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Partner Crucible

This project aims to serve as an entry point into the wealth of information and services available to Canadian Microsoft partners. The Partner Crucible will curate links, models, and insights to ensure our partners have an overview and a quick path forward.

Cloud Solution Provider Program


Buying Through CSP

To contribute to the PartnerCrucible, see Contributor’s Guide.

Getting Started with CSP

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Partner Readiness Gallery Explore Cloud Solution Provider content, including upcoming changes and new program information Microsoft Partner
CSP Fundamentals On-demand and Live content - Aiming to help you quickly get started and expand your partner opportunity in the Cloud Solution Provider program, the Partner Business Operations team will deliver a CSP Fundamentals session to direct bill partners, to provide a simple step-by-step guidance to quickly enable partners to set up, managed and transact. Event Builder

Licensing References

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Get license Ready Training and exam for CSP Licensing Specialist Requires registration
Introduction to the CSP Program Video June 2021
Good walktrhough at ~3 minutes into the video
Introduction to the CSP Program CSP 1-pager  

CSP Incentives

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Partner Incentives Overview Partner investments and incentives FY24
CSP Incentives and Offers The CSP Technical Training is designed to assist CSP Partners with technical implementation of change. Partners can expect to learn more about how to implement changes, get answers to technical questions and learn more API changes available in sandbox. These sessions will be held monthly and will cover various launch topics. ) Get a simplified view into Modern Work CSP incentives for partners. Learn how to make money as a Microsoft partner through margin and incentives on CSP.

Annoucements and Communities

Source Description Notes
Partner Center Announcements Review the past year of changes announced in Partner Center impacting the CSP program. Partner Center
CSP partner launch calendar Partner launch calendars give you a consolidated view of recent and upcoming Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) launches, keeping you up to date on any changes to how you do business with Microsoft. These calendars include changes launched within the last 60 days and any upcoming changes that have been recently announced. Microsoft Partner
Monthly CSP Operations Q&A Community Calls Calls with the Microsoft Business Operations team, where partners can ask our subject matter experts questions and get clarity on important launch topics and recent changes. CSP Partner
Monthly CSP Technical Training Community Calls Calls designed to assist CSP Partners with technical implementation of change. Partners can expect to learn more about how to implement changes, get answers to technical questions and learn more API changes available in sandbox.  
MSP Partner Community New community for our Managed Service Provider partners: SMB customers face unprecedented challenges, and so do the partners that service them. An unpredictable economy, a rise in cyber threats, maturing compliance requirements, competitive pressures, and emerging technologies are just some of the factors impacting you and your customers like never before. Microsoft

Practice Building

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Supercharge your CSP Business Supercharge your business by leveraging the programs and investments we are making in FY25 to help drive your business Transform
Level Up CSP Leverage the Copilot opportunnity to accelerate sales Transform
Microsoft 365 SMB Masters Program Unlock the potential of Microsoft 365 with security managed services 3-part webinar series  

Technical References

Source Description Notes
Partner journey map - Securing the channel: Journey to Zero Trust This document lists the key milestones in our journey to Zero Trust and highlights the actions that partner organizations should take. Microsoft Partners
CSP security best practices All partners in the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program accessing Partner Center and Partner Center APIs should follow the security guidance in this article to protect themselves and customers. Microsoft Lean
GDAP roles by partner types Recommended for indirect providers to transact and manage Microsoft Learn
Admin on behalf of (AOBO) AOBO for O365 and Azure MS Learn
Providing Support to your customers on CSP Description of support requirements under CSP ..
Transfer Azure subscriptions between subscribers and CSPs This article provides high-level steps used to transfer Azure subscriptions to and from Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) partners and their customers. MS Learn