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Partner Crucible

This project aims to serve as an entry point into the wealth of information and services available to Canadian Microsoft partners. The Partner Crucible will curate links, models, and insights to ensure our partners have an overview and a quick path forward.

Secure the practice



A collection of partner resources related to securing the cloud practice.

To contribute to the PartnerCrucible, see Contributor’s Guide.

Securing your Practice

Source Description Notes
Secure your organization - and your customers Landing page - Strengthen your security posture and navigate the evolving threat landscape with Microsoft cybersecurity tools and resources. Partner
Security best practices for Microsoft partners Improve your security posture with Microsoft tools, resources, trainings, and platforms 2022
Evaluate your Zero Trust security posture Answer a few questions to get advice on your organization’s Zero Trust maturity level and see practical deployment resources.  
Technical Training: Security Office Hours Microsoft invites you to weekly open Q&A sessions on security related changes in the CSP program. These sessions will provide information on the latest security updates in the CSP program including guidance on transitioning from Delegated Admin Privileges (DAP) to Granular Delegated Admin Privileges (GDAP).